Why "Magellan's Ship"?

Why “Magellan’s Ship”?

Magellan explored many islands without opposition. The theory is that the natives did not attack Magellan as one would have expected them to do upon the arrival of his big ships with a bunch of strange looking creatures on them.

Why? The natives did not know what they were looking at – they had absolutely no point of reference. In fact, they were so taken by what they saw, they laid down their spears and brought their canoes ashore. Watching the big ship with huge billowing sales was so far from any experience they had previously had, that they were in awe, welcoming Magellan and his crew, and treating them like Gods.

It is with this “awe” that I chose to view my future. Join me on my journey… It’s going to be amazing!

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Phat Fish

I have noticed a subtle change in my thinking over the past year... A new appreciation of how precious Life is - but not just human life, but a deep appreciation for every creature, every plant, every tree, even the water that flows through the rivers and the stars that are scattered across the night sky. The list is endless. One cannot exist without the others. Perfectly created, our world is.

Having placed a greater emphasis on my physical health over the past 18 months, I am beginning to appreciate more and more how magnificent the human body is. Closing my eyes and being enveloped by the sensations that surround me - the warmth of the sunshine streaming through the window and the way it warms my cheek; the crackle of the fire burning in the fireplace; the lingering smell of freshly brewed coffee. How I love to embrace these gentle moments of awareness! When I stretch out my legs, I can feel the strength flowing - from fueling my body with the nutrients it needs and giving my body the exercise it desires. How beautiful the human body is! 

Earlier in the year, we adopted 30 gold fish to live and play in our three ponds. With the weather beginning to change and continuing cold temperatures at night, I watched our ponds freeze over. Back in Seattle, I knew that goldfish could survive the winters in semi-shallow ponds... but not here in Colorado. I watched the fish swimming slowly back and forth under the ice, their food supply diminishing. I was impressed with their desire and ability to survive under such extreme conditions. My heart stirred... 

Having placed them in these ponds, my heart tugged that it was my responsibility to continue to care for them - when they could not care for themselves any longer. So, off to Walmart I went and purchased a $12.99 10 gallon tank, rocks and a fish net. I was not quite sure how many goldfish had survived the past 6 months, but I was ready to begin fishing for my fish.

Donning rubber gloves, I began to tackle the bottom patio pond. It had an ice covering of about 1 - 2 inches thick. The edges were able to be broken off, and I was then able to get the larger ice pieces up out of the water and, leveraging it on the edge of the pond, flip it onto the ground. It shattered into a thousand pieces, like broken glass.

Running the pump, the water spilled out and the pond began to drain. Capturing one, then two, then three fish... taking them inside and placing them in the tank. The rescue continued, slowly but surely, until every last one was captured. 

The large heart shaped yard pond proved a bit more challenging... draining the pond took a lot longer, and the rescue couldn't begin until the water was down enough to walk in the pond itself. It was dusk before the fish were caught... They were bigger, stronger and faster... and had more places to hide! But, persistence paid off and all were safely rescued.

We began counting... 19, 20, 21, 22.... Wait, start again.... How many fish do we have now?

Whereas the life of a fish is greatly dismissed as "insignificant", there was a gentle satisfaction in reaching out and helping these little guys. Just like us, they too are amazing and magnificent creatures - beautifully created, swift, strong and vibrant. I believe they deserve to live, breath and be - just as much as you and I do.  To me, that is the beauty of Life itself... the connectedness between every living being. 

Phat (noun): great, wonderful, terrific

So I sit here this morning, a smile playing on my lips, as I watch my phat goldfish frolic in their bowl. I am thankful for their little lives and the pleasure they bring me, and I know they are thankful for their new home and the hand that feeds them. One day next spring, I will set them loose again to roam around in a larger pond... but for today, we shall enjoy each other's company - living together in peace, love and H2O harmony.

Lovin' my Phat Fish,

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Washing Dishes

There are some things in life that I really.... really... really have a hard time being excited about doing. Most things are really no problem... but there are a few that I really struggle with. One of them is washing dishes. I don't think it's because I am lazy because I "enjoy" (cough, sputter) other household chores - dusting, vacuuming and mopping, even cleaning the bathrooms. So, what is it about doing the dishes that I find so difficult?

This morning, as I was MAKING MYSELF wash the pots and pans, I began thinking about my yoga practice and how I have an aversion to the difficult poses. However, as I have gradually learned over the past year, quieting my mind against the "chatter of self-defeating words" and relaxing into the pose, I have found myself able to become a pretzel for moments at a time in poses that I was previously not able to do.

Likewise, there have been hills I have hiked with steep elevation gains that were difficult for me to keep going on... And again, I found the "chatter of self-defeating words" filling my head! How frustrating is that?!? There have been bike rides where the headwinds were so strong that I felt like I wanted to stop my bike and quit riding - Just because the "words in my head" said it was too difficult.

"chatter of self-defeating words": This is too hard. I don't want to do this. I am uncomfortable. I don't like this. I  just want to go home. I'm a Princess and I like soft and cuddly things. 

When I find these awful words crowding my mind, I guess in that moment I have a choice: To entertain each one and let them invite their friends Quitter, Frustration and Agitation over too OR I can choose to begin focusing on my breathing - in and out - and breathing in Thankfulness for...  a roof over my head; good food to eat and dishes to eat it off of; hot water to wash the dishes in; the breathtaking scenery that the Master Artist created for me to explore; a body that is healthy and strong; a heart that is willing to love; and the strength of will to be able to make these choices of Gratitude... and breathing out the discomfort, the struggle and the frustrations of the moment.

So, I guess, with this beautiful revelation awakening within my heart this morning... washing the dishes wasn't so bad after all.

Happy Suds,