I have had my heart stretched until the scars on old wounds have fallen off and the heart underneath has become flexible again. I have had my boundaries stretched until I laid down those weapons of Distrust, Fear and Judgement and was able to fresh gain perspective from a beautiful new vantage point. My desire to "hold on" and "hold close" has stretched my arms and hands wide open...
Life in a small town, especially where tourism is the main industry, brings a myriad of people into your life - but some of them only for a short time. The gift of their friendship and laughter is something to be treasured, even if I never get to see them again. People just seem a bit more precious these days... extraordinary, unique and beautiful! Maybe it is just because I left my "home" that I become so easily attached to the ones that wander into my life now...?
Last Spring, we met Adam and spent an incredible summer of crazy fun dice games (and NO! I don't cheat!), driveway dance parties and enjoying the local fairs and music festivals. He is generous and kind with a wicked sense of humor. The first night I met him, he told me "You and me, we are going to be friends." And what a dear friend he has become! When he moved back to Indiana for a job in August, my heart was so sad.
Paul, a good friend of Peter's, and his son, Phil, moved into the mother-in-law apartment downstairs in our home this summer. There was such good energy having them here! The driveway was always busy with trucks coming and going, a steady stream of busyness and "man stuff" going on... dump trucks, tractors, broken cars being torn apart, and... Even a totally fun night of Phil playing the didgeridoo while I played the flute. They left two weeks ago now for Florida. The house seems so very quiet. I miss them and their little pug, Frank. My heart is sad.
A handful of the people I worked with for the past six months at Glenwood Hot Springs have left for work on the mountains... I miss them too.
I decided I really hate change. I know I should embrace change and the doors of opportunity that they open up... but I don't.
Change makes my heart sad. When I find new friends, I kind of want to keep them around...
Then, I watched this video last night by Sean Stephenson...
And I decided that I'm going to change it up! I'm going to have my very own little dance party every time my heart become sad! Because I agree, "Life is meant to be silly, not so serious!" Thanks, Sean, for this wonderfully uplifting video!
Change. I'm changing my thoughts on change and I'm going to get my groove on - dancing to the beat of a different drum! That's the drum of thankfulness - thankfulness for the people whom I have had the pleasure to become friends with - if even for just a little while. Because, you know what? They are worth celebrating! You are worth celebrating!
Salsa'n the Blues Away,