Why "Magellan's Ship"?

Why “Magellan’s Ship”?

Magellan explored many islands without opposition. The theory is that the natives did not attack Magellan as one would have expected them to do upon the arrival of his big ships with a bunch of strange looking creatures on them.

Why? The natives did not know what they were looking at – they had absolutely no point of reference. In fact, they were so taken by what they saw, they laid down their spears and brought their canoes ashore. Watching the big ship with huge billowing sales was so far from any experience they had previously had, that they were in awe, welcoming Magellan and his crew, and treating them like Gods.

It is with this “awe” that I chose to view my future. Join me on my journey… It’s going to be amazing!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Don't Waste A Minute

Don't waste a minute, because every moment is precious! 

And every person who is around you is divinely created and of great value -whether they are a stranger, friend, family or loved one; young, old, or in-between.  Every person is beautiful.  The lyrics of Bruno Mars' latest hit "Just the Way You Are" say "...You are amazing, just the way you are!"  Appreciating the beauty, quirks and talents and strengths in each person can bring such joy.  We are all so unique!

Sitting around the lunch table after picking Peter up from the airport that Tuesday afternoon before we left on the Grand Adventure, I found myself surrounded by the most amazing people ... Jayden, Jenny, Ellie-Belle, Keira, Jessi, and Peter.

Jayden and Gramcracker
I will always cherish my grandson Jayden!  He is my little miracle and I so admire the strength and will to survive that he carries in his soul.  He is strong.  He is loud and goofy.  He loves books, monster trucks and to run.  I am thankful for all the time that I have been able to spend with him during the first three and a half year of his life...And I know that my life is richer, and my faith is deeper, because he lives today.  (But his life story is not for today's blog....) He was my little side-kick, and we had quite a few mini-adventures - if only to the beach, park or around the neighborhood for a walk.  Sometimes the grocery store was adventure enough... I just love him so much!

My girl, Jen... She has a well of strength and wisdom within her that baffles me - how can she be so wise, yet so young?  Her heart loves deeply, she is generous with her time and possessions, and she is loyal.  Her feisty fire-cracker attitude makes me giggle... and blush sometimes, too.  I am so proud of her - what a fantastic mom she is, how hard she works and  the beautiful home she has provided for her children.  She is my hero for all of the things she has overcome and all of the things she has accomplished.  My love for her is endless.

Jen, Cheryl and Isabella

The beautiful little princess, Ellie-Belle, who looks so much like her Momma.  My darling grandbaby has the best disposition ever... She is so content and at peace!  Aaawh!  Her smiles and the stories she can tell when she begins to talk to you will keep you enchanted... She is a snuggler like no other.  And, when her little arm wraps around my neck, my heart melts.  Watching her be born, cutting the umbilical cord and holding her close has bound my heart to hers forever.  She is Grandcracker's treasure...

Keira:  My Little BFF.  How many amazing Keira-moments do I treasure in my heart?  Turning up the music and dancing, taking pictures and photo-editing together, slumber parties, movies, cooking, game-nights, dinners... but most important, the talks we would have about nothing and everything.  Her smile captivates all that see it and her funny, upbeat attitude always makes me smile.  My heart loves her as if she were my own.

Beautiful Jessi, Peter's daughter, captured my heart.  I picked her up on the way down to the airport and we got to spend about an hour together before Peter arrived.  Having never met before, it could have been so awkward, but it wasn't at all!  She is engaging, and so full of life and love. I was enchanted by the stories she shared about boarding school, her job at the restaurant, her apartment and school. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together and look forward to knowing her better. 

And my Peter:  What a heart this man has!  He flew out to drive me down to Arizona... the depth of his love and compassion astound me!  I cannot put into words how much this man has impacted my heart and soul. He is amazing in 1,001 different way and I am so grateful that he is a part of my life!

Peter and Cheryl at Hanging Lake

These are the moments that I want to remember...

Such love filled my heart as we sat around the table. And as I looked at each person over the course of our meal, I pondered these thoughts I have shared and more. I felt sadness knowing that being in close proximity with them on a daily basis was not what our tomorrows held. But then excitement grew for what our tomorrows WILL hold!

Life is amazing - and every moment is worth cherishing...  Whether it is through the tears of saying good-bye; a text message, phone call or picture captured and shared; a quite moment alone, watching a movie or amidst the laughter of friends.  Time is precious... and I believe the more we focus on each moment we are given, and embrace it with love and a thankful heart, the more clearer life becomes.

THIS is what life is all about... THIS is my life!


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