Why "Magellan's Ship"?

Why “Magellan’s Ship”?

Magellan explored many islands without opposition. The theory is that the natives did not attack Magellan as one would have expected them to do upon the arrival of his big ships with a bunch of strange looking creatures on them.

Why? The natives did not know what they were looking at – they had absolutely no point of reference. In fact, they were so taken by what they saw, they laid down their spears and brought their canoes ashore. Watching the big ship with huge billowing sales was so far from any experience they had previously had, that they were in awe, welcoming Magellan and his crew, and treating them like Gods.

It is with this “awe” that I chose to view my future. Join me on my journey… It’s going to be amazing!

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Don't Waste A Minute

Don't waste a minute, because every moment is precious! 

And every person who is around you is divinely created and of great value -whether they are a stranger, friend, family or loved one; young, old, or in-between.  Every person is beautiful.  The lyrics of Bruno Mars' latest hit "Just the Way You Are" say "...You are amazing, just the way you are!"  Appreciating the beauty, quirks and talents and strengths in each person can bring such joy.  We are all so unique!

Sitting around the lunch table after picking Peter up from the airport that Tuesday afternoon before we left on the Grand Adventure, I found myself surrounded by the most amazing people ... Jayden, Jenny, Ellie-Belle, Keira, Jessi, and Peter.

Jayden and Gramcracker
I will always cherish my grandson Jayden!  He is my little miracle and I so admire the strength and will to survive that he carries in his soul.  He is strong.  He is loud and goofy.  He loves books, monster trucks and to run.  I am thankful for all the time that I have been able to spend with him during the first three and a half year of his life...And I know that my life is richer, and my faith is deeper, because he lives today.  (But his life story is not for today's blog....) He was my little side-kick, and we had quite a few mini-adventures - if only to the beach, park or around the neighborhood for a walk.  Sometimes the grocery store was adventure enough... I just love him so much!

My girl, Jen... She has a well of strength and wisdom within her that baffles me - how can she be so wise, yet so young?  Her heart loves deeply, she is generous with her time and possessions, and she is loyal.  Her feisty fire-cracker attitude makes me giggle... and blush sometimes, too.  I am so proud of her - what a fantastic mom she is, how hard she works and  the beautiful home she has provided for her children.  She is my hero for all of the things she has overcome and all of the things she has accomplished.  My love for her is endless.

Jen, Cheryl and Isabella

The beautiful little princess, Ellie-Belle, who looks so much like her Momma.  My darling grandbaby has the best disposition ever... She is so content and at peace!  Aaawh!  Her smiles and the stories she can tell when she begins to talk to you will keep you enchanted... She is a snuggler like no other.  And, when her little arm wraps around my neck, my heart melts.  Watching her be born, cutting the umbilical cord and holding her close has bound my heart to hers forever.  She is Grandcracker's treasure...

Keira:  My Little BFF.  How many amazing Keira-moments do I treasure in my heart?  Turning up the music and dancing, taking pictures and photo-editing together, slumber parties, movies, cooking, game-nights, dinners... but most important, the talks we would have about nothing and everything.  Her smile captivates all that see it and her funny, upbeat attitude always makes me smile.  My heart loves her as if she were my own.

Beautiful Jessi, Peter's daughter, captured my heart.  I picked her up on the way down to the airport and we got to spend about an hour together before Peter arrived.  Having never met before, it could have been so awkward, but it wasn't at all!  She is engaging, and so full of life and love. I was enchanted by the stories she shared about boarding school, her job at the restaurant, her apartment and school. I thoroughly enjoyed our time together and look forward to knowing her better. 

And my Peter:  What a heart this man has!  He flew out to drive me down to Arizona... the depth of his love and compassion astound me!  I cannot put into words how much this man has impacted my heart and soul. He is amazing in 1,001 different way and I am so grateful that he is a part of my life!

Peter and Cheryl at Hanging Lake

These are the moments that I want to remember...

Such love filled my heart as we sat around the table. And as I looked at each person over the course of our meal, I pondered these thoughts I have shared and more. I felt sadness knowing that being in close proximity with them on a daily basis was not what our tomorrows held. But then excitement grew for what our tomorrows WILL hold!

Life is amazing - and every moment is worth cherishing...  Whether it is through the tears of saying good-bye; a text message, phone call or picture captured and shared; a quite moment alone, watching a movie or amidst the laughter of friends.  Time is precious... and I believe the more we focus on each moment we are given, and embrace it with love and a thankful heart, the more clearer life becomes.

THIS is what life is all about... THIS is my life!


Friday, February 25, 2011

A Thankful Heart

"A single thankful thought towards heaven is the most perfect of all prayers."
-Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

My heart is so filled with thankfulness for my friends and family, that before we continue on this Journey, I have to share these little things that have so impacted me...

Let me start by saying that my main filter by which I gage most everything is "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."  (Based on Luke 6:45.)  It has granted me compassion for the hurting, grace for those who need to be loved, and joy when I am the recipient of that contagious overflow splashing of love from the heart.  So this "blog" is dedicated to those who have splashed me with their love and encouragement.  Without love, courage fails... and to encourage someone is to make them "courageous again."  I was able to believe in this Journey for me because of the words spoken to me... There is so much power in our words!  They hold the power of life and death.  For me, life giving words enabled me to believe in Magellan's Ship and the promises this Grand Adventure would hold...

Being one that has never ventured very far away from my family, the reality of leaving behind my grand kids, daughter, Mom and family has been like ripping off a layer of flesh.  My heart is raw and aches every day for each of them.  Separating myself from my girlfriends, Stacey and Nancy - who are closer than sisters to me - has left me feeling a little unbalanced.  I am a bit disorientated learning to live life at this slower pace... I am so used to being busy:  learning how NOT to juggle the demands of a job, caring for the grand kids, working out, church and a hanging out with friends.  For me, this has been an extreme exercise of faith.  The refining fires that build character and strength are burning my heels... Yet, I am a woman of perseverance and know this path was laid out for me to walk... for many reasons, and as hard as these days may seem, I believe in this Journey and am blessed to be walking it.

The moments when I have faltered those words of love, encouragement and belief have come my way... Debbie, Stacey, Nancy, Sandy, my sister Sandy, Betty, Tiffany, Katie, Chelli, Tara, my Mom, Jen and Lisa.  Kirk, Ken and Sabra offered their own words of life when I saw them before I left. Peter talked me through the moments when I felt like collapsing.  Divine encouragement was given by each in their own way, and I was made courageous for this Journey again. I hope each knows how truly blessed I am by their love, their words, and their belief in me. My heart is so grateful for the number of friends who care about me and depth of the relationships we have.  I feel so loved...

So, tonight I lift a prayer of gratitude to heaven saying, "Thank you, Lord, for finding hands to lift me up as I stumbled; for their words of encouragement and confidence that strengthened me for this Journey.  I am so grateful for my family and friends. Bless them! Amen."

The word spoken at the end of Yoga practice is Namaste, which means "the Divine in me honors the Divine in you."  Namaste, dear ones.  I am honored to call you friends...


P.S. Just because I don't want you to worry, there is a difference between sadness and unhappiness.  I am sad in my longing for all of my family and friends, but I am not unhappy.  I am actually "happy that I am sad" because it says something about me. It says I cared, I loved and I have not become desensitized.  It is like a wonderful source of inner confirmation of the depth of my feelings...

Monday, February 21, 2011

Boxes and Duct Tape

A single decision that is made has a ripple effect... And usually in many ways that one does not fully consider.  Now, a simple decision of should I eat ice cream before bed or not, is pretty logical that if I eat it I will gain weight, not sleep well and maybe end up with a tummy ache however, will these consequences be worth the delight of eating it?  The simple decision to move away seemed easy enough once the decision was made, but the repercussions of moving away are vast and many!

What do I do first?  How do I relocate 1,700 miles away? What was I thinking!?!  So I made a list.... And another list.... And a list of the list and lost them all.  Found one, added to it and made another.  Eventually, I stopped and just started doing one thing at a time....  I had to decided what goes, what stays, what gets donated to Goodwill and what gets tossed.  I kept vacillating back and forth over my furniture and finally decided that the cost of transporting it to Phoenix was not worth it.  So, what Jen didn't put in her new home was sold or given away. 

I was rescued from myself by Stacey who became my voice of reason.  She grounded my feet as I bounced from one decision to another.  She brought boxes over and sat with me one evening going through my room.  Piles began to emerge:  To go on the first trip; To go on the second trip; Store at Jen's house; Goodwill; and garbage.  As I flitted from one drawer, to a different shelf, then got distracted by a pile of books, she calmly wrapped and packed the boxes.  Finally, exhausted, I fell into bed and awoke to my room looking like a hurricane hit it!

Jen was preparing to move on the upcoming Saturday and had arranged for family and friends to come and help... It was then that I realized that my furniture needed to be moved that same day. In three days... WHAT?!?   Where was my brain?!?  Wednesday and Thursday night I babysat the grand kids so I took off Friday to pack and prepare for my stuff to be moved.

The Breakfast Club - Founding Members
Kirk, Cheryl, Sabra and Ken
 I  kept reminding myself that eventually everything would work out, like it always does, and everything would get done.  I wanted to spend as much time with those around me as I could... So Friday morning, instead of packing, I headed down to The Country Cafe in Bothell to meet up with my Breakfast Club friends Ken, Kirk and Sabra to enjoy the best bacon in town and fill the morning with good laughter.

I dreaded returning home to tackle the dungeon.  There were boxes and tubs filled with "who knows what" under the house that needed to be sorted through....  Dang!  I was intimidated by the magnitude of all that loomed in front of me.  Where did all this stuff come from?  Thoughts of what Jen had said to me a couple of days earlier were ringing truer and truer, "Get rid of all this stuff from your past.  You get to have a fresh start."  So, with Keira's help, I began to open boxes... and the process continued for over four hours!  But what emerged was a very lopsided pile of items to take to the Goodwill with just a few boxes and things to save and take to Jen's house.  Hallelujah! 

Saturday morning arrived and the handful of friends began to show up around 9am... the moving van and many hands made the two trips to Jen's new house pretty smooth.  I have to say, I am pretty proud of her the way she organized everything! I walked into my room late that night with just a bed, a TV-tray holding my alarm clock, lamp and stereo, several small boxes, a suitcase and my clothes... Wow.  The bare walls echoed of life as I knew it being stripped away...

Stacey and Cheryl
The next morning Stacey picked me up early and we stopped for coffee then headed to church.  Memories flooded my thoughts of all the time spent within these walls... The stirring of my heart to know who God was, the awakening of the power of His love, the prayers, worship and friendships that had grown.  I giggled and reminded Stacey of the time when she tried to slip me a piece of fruity gum that made me gag during service. Sadness rose up as I reflected on who the church used to be, the faulty teachings and hurts that followed... and I grieved for all that was and was lost.  However, I am a stronger person for having walked this path.

We left that day, my friend and I, pondering how differently people have responded to my leaving.  From dear friends who were mad, to others who were just sad and going to miss me, and then there were those few who absolutely celebrated my new life choices and encouraged me daily.  There is a time in life when a girls just got to do what a girls got to do... How else would one experience The Grand Adventure!?!

Look I CAN have my cake... Even if
I can't eat it!
 The following week was filled with my "Goodbye Dinner" from work, moving miscellaneous things over to Jen's house, sorting and packing my clothes, and an evening filled with loading Stacey's van TO THE RIM with items to go to the Goodwill.   Did I really have that much "stuff"?  Why?!?  Well, today I am cured of "stuff"!  I don't want "stuff" anymore! 

The weekend flew by... Coffee and pedicures Friday morning with Darci, then Friday night Stacey, Jen and Mia and I enjoyed dinner at Playa Bonita Restaurant so we could see my favorite waitress, Bertha. Then we were off to the movies. Wait!  I think I even got my belly button pierced after the movie!  Oh my golly!  Yes, indeed I did. Saturday was moving day for Mom and my brother, Roy, so I helped out until almost 4:30pm and then headed home for a little siesta before getting together with some sweet friends at Wine Styles for a wine tasting goodbye party.

The Gang:  Stacey, Nancy, Cheryl, Betty, Chris and Chelli

My list for the last two days seemed to keep getting longer and longer... but eventually, every one of the "to dos" were checked off ... car maintenance, change of address, painting finished (thanks to my friends and family!), car loaded, final cleaning, and banking done.  Taco dinner at Mom's house for Valentine's Day with the family, the very difficult final goodbye hugs and on Tuesday at noon-thirty I was headed down the freeway to pick up Peter at the airport...

The Grand Adventure had begun!


Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do You Believe

trust - noun 
1.  reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2. confident expectation of something; hope.

 It is interesting how one Word spoken to you can change and alter the course of your life so drastically.  I suppose that is true, but only if you believe.  And this, then, is the walk of faith. 

A year ago The Whisper  impressed on me "One Year".  Now, I don't believe in coincidences and when a "word" comes to me from more than one avenue, then I know to listen and heed what the message is.  "One Year" was my message at that time.  And, just to make sure I heard it, it kept being repeated every several months or so... 

Pondering the deeper meaning of "One Year" I really took it to mean "no dating" or "big decisions" during this year of healing after my divorce was finalized.  I look back over my life, and it was always easy to cover the hurts with the distraction of something or someone "new" rather than look in the mirror and be accountable for the messes I would find myself in.  Ouch!  The past can be ugly, but taken in perspective can be quite enlightening... And from that vantage point, I found peace and freedom in my new life with no "new" somethings or someones distracting me from myself and the healing that needed to occur.

I trust The Promptings that I hear.  Not that I don't struggle at times ... and when the "red flags" begin popping up I am usually not too slow in recognizing the gentle nudging of "Hey, remember..."  However, I was pretty comfortable with the "One Year" and almost felt protected by it.  There were moments of frustration where the mandate felt more like a prison sentence than “green pasture days” and I would wonder if this is how the rest of my life would be. I wanted “different” and I wanted “more” … And then, I would reign my thoughts back to being thankful for where I am, my home and my family and friends. And I would smile because my life was wonderful.

Thankfulness is such a gift and seems to keep all things in perspective. Content with myself, I had not given much thought to the “One Year”, just embracing life as it was.  I was not aware of the winds of change that were on the horizon… And those winds were going to blow hard and challenge everything that I am and believe in.  It was now “One Year”.  Was I ready?

Before leaving to Colorado in early January, my dear friend who lives in Phoenix called and said, “I want to you apply for this job here...”  Pondering this option for a “life change” on the plane ride began to feel like this was a door I was to walk through. Then I realized that because now that I had a “boyfriend” he would actually have a right to speak into my life and this decision I was contemplating.  These thoughts swirled around my mind as I flew… And I began to get excited. 

There are always doors that our path of life will lead us to, but being brave enough to turn the handle and walk through it…  Isn’t that is the question? Would I? Could I? Should I?  And why Phoenix? And what about my daughter and the grandkids? What about Peter? And what about my friends and family...  The list of "why not" was endless.  

Upon returning back home I KNEW.  The Nudge stayed with me.  Somehow, I just felt “released” from everything.  It was time for a Grand Adventure and I was going to jump with both feet! 

And then the confirmations came:  My daughter landed a well paying job and moved her and the kids into an adorable duplex; I didn’t have to pay a huge amount in income taxes from my divorce settlement, so I have no debt and enough money to live on for 6 months; an offer from my Pat and Sandy to live with them until I get a job; a lot of great job opportunities in the Phoenix area when looking online; and, Peter supported my decision.  I didn't realize that "One Year" would offer so much opportunity... for love, relationships, change and growth.

So, I wrote my resignation letter and turned it in.  And, again, the confirmation of my decision came in the form of an eagle flying 25 feet above my head as I left work that day. I just smiled!  I had just quit my job and was moving to Phoenix in a little over two weeks.

As crazy as this may all seem – to leave so quickly – I totally trust The Whisper and have complete confidence that this is going to be the Most Amazing Adventure EVER! 


Sunday, February 13, 2011

And Then...

"Follow your bliss and the universe will open doors
for you where there were only walls" 
-Joseph Campbell, 1904-1987

Multiple phone calls, text messages and skyping hours led to me flying to Glenwood Springs, Colorado just two weeks later to spend time with this amazing person... And our 10 day adventure was chalked full of memories to treasure forever:

Glenwood Spring, Colorado

First night in town we dined at Zengh Asian Bistro, which their gluten free sushi menu offered many delicious entrees to choose from.  Oh, and we found the best red wine ever: 14 Hands, Hot to Trot

We soaked for hours in the Glenwood Hot Springs Pool, of which  the smaller therapy pool is kept at 104 degrees.  The larger pool is around 92 degrees.  The pools are heated from a natural hot spring that provides a soothing therapeutic soak, as well as an opportunity to make many new friends.  The hotel offers a live web cam to view the pool.  You should check it out!

Peter and Cheryl on Top of the Mountain!
To celebrate the full "Wolf" moon, we snowshoed up Sunlight Mountain at night.  There was no need for the head lamps because the moon was so bright and beautiful it totally lit the way, so much so that we had moon shadows!  This six hour adventure took us up 2010 vertical feet to the top, to an elevation of 9,895 feet. Many enjoy all that the mountain has to offer during the evenings and come skiing, snowboarding or snowshoeing, like we did. There is a Ski Patrol shack that is open over night and offers a warm, dry place at the top to hang out before the trek down.  So we sat, enjoyed a great snack of salami, crackers and cheese and a bottle of wine, while visiting with a handful of other night adventurers.  Our trek down in the 10 inches of fresh power was a golden opportunity for snow angels, laughter and the ability to pick stars out of the sky and put them in our pockets to save for another day.  It was 12 degrees out and 1:00am by the time we made it back to the truck.  This was definitely one of the most rare and unique adventures I have ever experienced! What a perfect night!

The View from the Red Hill Trail
Hiking Red Hill's Mushroom Rock Trail was fantastic!  The view was wondrous, especially catching the Aspen glow reflecting off Mount Sopris as the sun was setting. Sitting above Mushroom Rock, watching twilight fall over the town of Carbondale offered a kaleidoscope of sensational photo opportunities for us.

The hike was gorgeous and we met many people of all ages running and hiking the trails that crisscross up and around the "hill".  One thing I enjoy so much about hiking is how friendly most people are while out on the trails.  Smiles and hellos are freely shared.
Hanging Lake's Amazing  Frozen Waterfall

Our last adventure took us up to Hanging Lake and Sprouting Rock.  A gorgeous 3 mile hike up through a deep canyon called Dead Horse Gulch lead us to the most amazing frozen waterfall suspended above Hanging Lake. The trail was pretty easy overall, with only the last bit pretty steep.  There are handrails as you climb up the last bit of the canyon wall to get to the lake. Standing alone and looking at the lake and the waterfall brought deep, primitive emotions of awe and thankfulness for the beauty that this Earth holds.  I wanted to just sit and stare...

Sprouting Rock Waterfall

A short trail that took us up and around Hanging Lake led to the Sprouting Rock waterfall cascading from the face of a rock cliff.  Phenomenal!  It would be hard to find the words to describe the beauty of the ice formations at the base of the waterfall.  It was worth the climb to see the mirad of colors, shadows and shapes.

We were hiking in the afternoon, and on the way back down the trail the sun went behind the southern canyon wall.  When this happened we were caught up in the magical glow of the sun reflecting off the huge northern canyon wall. You could feel the warmth. The glow was so bright that we even had shadows... To have a shadow where there are no shadows was an incredible experience!

Doing life together for those 10 days could have been so very awkward.  But it proved to an opportunity for us to realize that we want to build that "bridge" between our lives that are so far apart from each others...   But "how" seemed to be the biggest question, with no answer, when our lives are so far apart from each other.  Where do we go from here?


Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tearing Down Walls and Building Bridges

Well, what do you think he decided?  YIPPY FOR ME!  He thought it was a great idea to stay for a couple of more days so we could hang out together and said he would check with the airlines the next day to see what it would cost to change his flight... Did I mention yet that I was saying some very selfish prayers that his flight could be changed?  Well, not only did the airlines change the flight but they did not charge him for the schedule change!  There are no coincidences in life.  None.  We were meant to be able to spend this time together!

Friday morning, I awoke to hearing The Whisper impressing upon me that this weekend would be a time of Tearing Down Walls and Building Bridges.  Thoughts swirled through my mind, pondering this statement as I dressed and packed up the car, preparing to pick Peter up in Seattle on our way down to Herron Island.  Opening the door to Possibility of Love can be overwhelming, as well as extremely frightening... It would have been so safe to turn the car back around and not go.  Every wall built around my heart was about to be challenged in ways that I didn't know if I was prepared to face...  Safe is comfortable, you know.  Safe is... safe.  However, when I saw him face to face, his embrace washed away the fears that were creeping in... and peace reigned, wrapped in gentle laughter.  I knew it was going to be a great weekend!  And so our Second Grand Adventure began...

Herron Island is only accessible by a private ferry ride.  And, it is vitally important you you obey the ferry rules, whether or not you know them or not.  Believe me, there are consequences for not following the rules... If you start your car before they tell you that you can, then you get "the look" and your consequence is that you are last off the ferry.Yes, as a matter of fact - we DID get "the look"... and yes, as a matter of fact, we were the last ones let off the ferry.  They did let us back off the island though...

Now, the weekend was ALL THAT and a box of chocolates (probably the chocolate covered cashews kind of chocolates, if I got to choose...)  Details?  Well, there was a lot of laughter, talking, cooking together and walks around the island and taking pictures. We listened to music, drank some wine, played games and watched movies and talked endlessly about our hopes, desires and dreams.  Basically, we connected on every level - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.  And I was enthralled!

I felt the boulders securing the walls around my heart begin to break loose as this man was able to find his way into my mind, thoughts and
eventually enter the heart arena.  I didn't realize how closely I guarded my heart until I look back at that weekend and all that transpired.

Every human being seeks out what is comfortable; it is a normal human response to any circumstance. I was walking so far outside of my comfort zone... but so at PEACE with him.  My insides were at such conflict with each other:  the raging of heart vs. mind.  He was so different than any man I had known...

Seeking understanding of my thoughts and feelings, I asked the Father for guidance and understanding.  He responded with "Daughter, THIS is for you.  This IS what I intended for you!"  Could a relationship REALLY be THIS amazing?  The whole Magellan's Ship Syndrome was beginning to awaken within me...

I have heard somewhere that to be able to love well you have to be able to receive well.  So, accepting that THIS was real and believing in US was my new reality!   What?!  I had a boyfriend! 

Rock stacks are called "cairns" and is explained as "a pile of stones that is used as a boundary marker, a memorial, or a burial site. Cairns are usually conical in shape and were often erected on high ground." 

We left behind two cairns that day on the beach near the ferry dock.  A marker of changed hearts.  A memorial to THE BEST DAYS EVER.  A tribute to the days to ahead...


Friday, February 4, 2011

The BEST DAY EVER: The 21 Hour Adventure

Yup... Anticipation was high to hang out together.  Did you know that the best adventure days begin before daylight?  You should always remember that.  Did I mention that we had only communicated via text messaging or through Facebook and here we were planning to spend the whole day together?  Yes, I wondered if I was crazy... on quite a few different levels!

Well, as it turns out, I wasn't crazy.  Seeing each other in person for the first time in over 30 years was well worth the wait!  And what a fun dance we had that day - reconnecting and realizing how much we had in common.  The Law of Attraction was heavily in play on many different levels - mental, emotional, spiritual and physical.

Our journey through that day took us through Starbucks then up to Darrington where we visited Sauk River Falls.   The 100 foot short hike to the falls was covered in a light snowfall.  The forest was quite, but you could hear the rumble of the falls growing stronger and stronger the closer we got.  We crawled over logs and rocks and made our way down to the water line.  Washed in the spray of the falls, it was a perfect moment, as we stood so close together soaking in all the beauty that was around us.

Whispering a prayer for a sign that I wasn't crazy because my heart was beating louder than the waterfall... We were greeted by not one, but two magnificent eagles that flew out and circled over the us as we stood at the base of the waterfall. My soul smiled...

We made our way back to the SUV and headed back towards Darrington, our goal was to try to make it to Diablo Dam.  A short stop at a convenience store in Darrington made it obvious that we were not dressed appropriately - forgot to wear camouflage and drive the pick-up truck.  Yes, it was obvious, we were tourists.  (Could it have been the 4 camera's we had with us, too?)

It was snowing off and on all day... but we had no problem traveling.  The roads were fine. Diablo Lake offers much to see and enjoy.  We stopped at the Old #6 Train and took a picture of Sock Monkey enjoying a quick thrill of a pretend ride.
Yes, SM was quite happy.  There were so many places to stop and take pictures from... the scenery was absolutely breathtaking.  And the company was taking my breath away, too. 

As we were driving around the lake up to the lookout point, we caught a glimpse of the the mountains and valley behind the lake and we both exclaimed, "Wow!"  Then, glancing back at the road, we both exclaimed, "Oh, wow...!"  again, as there was a snowplow coming straight towards us!  He was thereafter aptly dubbed "Oh Wow the Snow Plow".

The view from up top was magnificent!  It was amazing to watch the sun, clouds, snow and shadows roll across the mountains.  We were the only ones there and the quietness of the scene penetrated through me - it was so peaceful and serene. 

We headed down the mountain and began the trek out towards Anacortes.  Our plan was to head out to Friday Harbor and enjoy dinner on the island.  While waiting for the ferry, we ventured down to the beach and, in that stolen moment, shared a kiss for the first time.  The comfort level between us was, as Peter described it, like "coming home." 

The ride from Anacortes to Friday Harbor is about an hour long so we ended up watching the sunset from the ferry.   After finding the right restaurant - the food was good, the wine was better and the company was the best.  Afterwards, we decided to venture out to find the lighthouses and see if we could take pictures of them in the dark...
Yah, that didn't work so well.  We did however, manage to make it back in time for the last ferry off the island that night.

There came that moment on the ride home when I realized that he was flying out in 36 hours... So, I took a chance of a lifetime, and asked him if he would possibly be interested in changing his flight and go with me to my friends cabin on a little island in the South Puget Sound for the weekend instead of going home... I told him that I wanted to know if there was more to this than just the "Best Day Ever Date".... It seemed like time stood still before he replied.


Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Question

OK, how cool is that to reconnect with your "crush" from 35 years ago on Facebook? I love Facebook and the way that it has brought connection with friends from the past!  Especially when I got the "Friend Request Accepted" from Peter.

Why would this one friend acceptance give me such a thrill?  But, it did!  How fun it was to peruse through his pictures, check out his "Information Page" and get to know that man that he had become through his posts.  There wasn't much direct communication between us, but I still enjoyed "checking him out"!

This man, Peter, was posting the most incredible pictures.... And, THAT is my weakness.  I love taking pictures... capturing those moments in time, the emotion or feelings that arise when you see something.  He is totally skilled at catching the best pictures!  I enjoyed so much seeing his latest picture posts...

We shared a few Fb emails, especially when we both had family that passed away.  What kind and compassionate words he shared with me...  What was this?  A man who could capture a picture that spoke 1000 words and speak from the heart?  I was intrigued...

Being the gal that I am, I had to ask for some technical help along the way... such as "How do you hang a rope swing?" and "WHY did the cement for the tether ball not set up? I mixed it like I was instructed to... The instructions did not say to NOT to let it sit in the rain."  He was kind enough not to laugh at me, and kindly give me some tips on how to help the cement set up.  The days rolled by... casual conversations posted back and forth... until the day in early December when the IM came that said, "Are you going to be in town for the holidays?"

Am I going to be in town for the holidays?!?  Yes, but I wasn't picking up what he was putting down.  I replied, "Yeah.  What are your plans?"  NEVER had a clue what was coming....

"Well I am flying into Seattle on the 23rd, we should hang out!"

This boy from my past... the one I was so infatuated with as a young gal, wanted to hang out!  C'mon!  I was so excited!  So, of course, I responded with... "Seriously? Yes!"

The ship was sailing closer.... and boy what a ship was coming my way!
