Why "Magellan's Ship"?

Why “Magellan’s Ship”?

Magellan explored many islands without opposition. The theory is that the natives did not attack Magellan as one would have expected them to do upon the arrival of his big ships with a bunch of strange looking creatures on them.

Why? The natives did not know what they were looking at – they had absolutely no point of reference. In fact, they were so taken by what they saw, they laid down their spears and brought their canoes ashore. Watching the big ship with huge billowing sales was so far from any experience they had previously had, that they were in awe, welcoming Magellan and his crew, and treating them like Gods.

It is with this “awe” that I chose to view my future. Join me on my journey… It’s going to be amazing!

Friday, February 25, 2011

A Thankful Heart

"A single thankful thought towards heaven is the most perfect of all prayers."
-Gotthold Ephraim Lessing

My heart is so filled with thankfulness for my friends and family, that before we continue on this Journey, I have to share these little things that have so impacted me...

Let me start by saying that my main filter by which I gage most everything is "out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks."  (Based on Luke 6:45.)  It has granted me compassion for the hurting, grace for those who need to be loved, and joy when I am the recipient of that contagious overflow splashing of love from the heart.  So this "blog" is dedicated to those who have splashed me with their love and encouragement.  Without love, courage fails... and to encourage someone is to make them "courageous again."  I was able to believe in this Journey for me because of the words spoken to me... There is so much power in our words!  They hold the power of life and death.  For me, life giving words enabled me to believe in Magellan's Ship and the promises this Grand Adventure would hold...

Being one that has never ventured very far away from my family, the reality of leaving behind my grand kids, daughter, Mom and family has been like ripping off a layer of flesh.  My heart is raw and aches every day for each of them.  Separating myself from my girlfriends, Stacey and Nancy - who are closer than sisters to me - has left me feeling a little unbalanced.  I am a bit disorientated learning to live life at this slower pace... I am so used to being busy:  learning how NOT to juggle the demands of a job, caring for the grand kids, working out, church and a hanging out with friends.  For me, this has been an extreme exercise of faith.  The refining fires that build character and strength are burning my heels... Yet, I am a woman of perseverance and know this path was laid out for me to walk... for many reasons, and as hard as these days may seem, I believe in this Journey and am blessed to be walking it.

The moments when I have faltered those words of love, encouragement and belief have come my way... Debbie, Stacey, Nancy, Sandy, my sister Sandy, Betty, Tiffany, Katie, Chelli, Tara, my Mom, Jen and Lisa.  Kirk, Ken and Sabra offered their own words of life when I saw them before I left. Peter talked me through the moments when I felt like collapsing.  Divine encouragement was given by each in their own way, and I was made courageous for this Journey again. I hope each knows how truly blessed I am by their love, their words, and their belief in me. My heart is so grateful for the number of friends who care about me and depth of the relationships we have.  I feel so loved...

So, tonight I lift a prayer of gratitude to heaven saying, "Thank you, Lord, for finding hands to lift me up as I stumbled; for their words of encouragement and confidence that strengthened me for this Journey.  I am so grateful for my family and friends. Bless them! Amen."

The word spoken at the end of Yoga practice is Namaste, which means "the Divine in me honors the Divine in you."  Namaste, dear ones.  I am honored to call you friends...


P.S. Just because I don't want you to worry, there is a difference between sadness and unhappiness.  I am sad in my longing for all of my family and friends, but I am not unhappy.  I am actually "happy that I am sad" because it says something about me. It says I cared, I loved and I have not become desensitized.  It is like a wonderful source of inner confirmation of the depth of my feelings...

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