Why "Magellan's Ship"?

Why “Magellan’s Ship”?

Magellan explored many islands without opposition. The theory is that the natives did not attack Magellan as one would have expected them to do upon the arrival of his big ships with a bunch of strange looking creatures on them.

Why? The natives did not know what they were looking at – they had absolutely no point of reference. In fact, they were so taken by what they saw, they laid down their spears and brought their canoes ashore. Watching the big ship with huge billowing sales was so far from any experience they had previously had, that they were in awe, welcoming Magellan and his crew, and treating them like Gods.

It is with this “awe” that I chose to view my future. Join me on my journey… It’s going to be amazing!

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Why Ask Why - Part II

You know what I find quite interesting? Human beings and their reactions, thoughts and choices. If you read my last blog "Why Ask Why?" then I am sure you were questioning my thought processes and wondered "What in the heck is she talkin' about!" But the beauty of what I wrote was just that... We all have thoughts that we probably never share with other people, let alone question why we are thinking them. I just happened to share them with you...

For me, and again these are my personal beliefs, my reaction to what I was reading about open marriages and/or relationships was so strongly opposed to it that I began to wonder WHAT really is the foundation for my choices and belief system? I asked myself "why". 

I received several responses to my blog that were dripping with judgment, false accusations and an ugliness that disgusts and sickens me. While I have no regrets for my thoughts or what I wrote in my previous post, I do have to say that I did not intend it to be sacrilegious in any way. For those of you who are questioning my faith, I believe in God and in His mighty power. (Just look at my grandson!) However, not everyone believes how I do. I have chosen not to use this blog to pontificate my beliefs nor to dispute your thoughts about me. If you don't like what I have to say, then its really quite simple...don't read this blog.

So with that preface,  I will continue to share more of my thoughts about human choices... Why do we choose the things we do?

Like, when you go into a bathroom with two rows of stalls. Which stall do you choose? The first one? The last one? The middle one on the left? Do you make a conscious choice or not? And, why do you pick that one? Or, pulling into a parking lot at the grocery store... Is your car up front or in the back of the lot? Or the first available spot that you can find?

When you fold laundry are your socks rolled into balls, one tucked into the other flat, or kept separate? Why? Do you have a sock basket for the single stray socks or do you toss the ones you can't find mates to?

How about this: Why does one procrastinate? There is nothing beneficial about procrastination, but it happens to most everyone on a daily basis. Why do we make choices like this? I can think of at least 5 things right now that I should have done yesterday...

And let's talk about beauty. Who defines what beautiful is? Society through advertisements? What my parents and siblings taught me? My peers? When you look in the mirror, do you see how divinely beautiful you are? Or the supposed "flaws"? My guess, because it is usually this way for me, is that It is the"flaws" that win out.. But why is it so hard to look past the wrinkles and funky hair to see the beauty that God created? Why do most people believe beauty is on the outside when really, its what is on the inside? So, when exactly were the definitions of beauty laid in my subconscious? The day I received my first Barbie?

And let's talk about our habits like smoking, excessive drinking and drugs. The choice to poison your body is met with flabbergastment when the body begins to break down. It's pretty universally known that a car without oil breaks down, but our bodies need that same tender loving care too. Why does one make these choices? (And no, I am not smoking, drinking excessively or doing drugs... So don't read more into his comment than was intended!) I really just wonder why we do the things we do.... 

And on that note, why does one read more into comments than was ever intended!?!

These are a few of the bizarrely random thoughts that I occasionally ponder... I'm just curious to understand the "why's" of life. 

I even wonder why you read my blog... :O)


Friday, August 26, 2011

Why Ask Why?

Do you ever read something and it sort of stays in your mind, tickling your thoughts to consider it on a deeper level? Sometimes, it's like a bad rash, requiring some attention before it will settle down and go away. Yet, sometimes, it's like the bud of a flower trying to burst open to spread it's fragrant beauty to each person that passes by. I am not sure yet where this nagging thought is taking me... so let's see...

I recently read from this book about how as little children we run around naked with no inhibitions and freely love others that we meet. Even the Bible talks about being like little children. Little kids have faith in the moment, and are not operating from any learned behaviors from society to fear others or to fear situations... They just Love.

The question raised, in this context, was about open marriages/relationships and if we truly embrace being and operating with the pure love and joy of the moment like a child does, then we should be free to love who we want how we want. 
If we truly understood the meaning of Love (as it was intended to be expressed), should not we be happy for our mate to be loving another person in what ever way brings them joy? Because their happiness should bring us joy. Why does the concept of my mate being intimate with another seem so difficult to accept? Are boundaries healthy or do they limit our ability to truly love others? There are at least 76 objections I could raise from my beliefs about what being in a committed relationship or marriage means to me to the hurts it could cause your mate to personal safety against sexually transmitted diseases. However, what it really comes down to is not so much whether I am for or against open marriages and/or relationships but WHY.

Why do I believe the way I do about this subject? What is MY truth? Am I against it because of what I have been taught from a more conservative upbringing? But if I have been taught this, is it really MY truth? What do I really think about this? Why do I only desire monogamy? Is this choice based out of fear? Or love? When I close my eyes, find the stillness within, what do I understand to be my truth.

If given the opportunity, would I run around naked in front of you? Would you run around naked in front of me?  If not, why? If you would, why?  

Why. It is such a good word! Do you ever really question your beliefs, actions and choices? Why do you believe the things you believe? Because someone told you to believe this or that? Because it is what society dictates? If yes, then why do you believe that? Are your actions and choices based out of fear? If they are, why? What's the worst that can happen if you raise questions and consider why your Truth is your Truth?  Freedom and Understanding about yourself!

One universal truth is that God (or God as you understand her to be) is for you, not against you. This is serious stuff. This is where faith comes from. This is the foundation of peace. You can trust in the goodness of the universe... So from this place of knowing the Creator of Life has your back, what do you believe? What do you believe about this and about everything else?

Close your eyes... Be still... Breathe deeply... Open your heart to yourself. Allow the questions to come. And wait for the answers to resonate in your soul. 

What is your Truth?

I hope these questions bring you a new level of enlightenment about yourself. Questioning and challenging myself in this way can certainly be entertaining, agitating and freeing. (However, yes, I still have my clothes on... for now.)

Regardless of which side of the coin your beliefs fall, it is good to remember that ones choices should always honor the love you have with your significant other. Because, really, it's all about the unashamed, unbridled passionate Love that little children share with others - however you choose to define and express it.

I realize this is kind of a controversial issue... So I would love to start a discussion. Your thoughts and comments are most welcome! There is no right or wrong answer, your Truth is yours to share freely here.

With My Love,

Sunday, August 21, 2011

The Aspen Tree

Aspen Trees - Populus Tremuloides
I was sitting in a meeting at work watching a video about Guest Services and the most amazing fact flashes across the screen... Did you know that Aspen tree groves have ONE root system?

A stand of aspen is really only one huge organism. In fact, the aspen colonies are not only known as the world's largest living organism, they are also the world's oldest known living organism. And here I thought aspens were just another pretty tree to look at... 

Boy, was I wrong! Fascinated by this fact about their root system, I did a little poking around on the internet and found out some really interesting facts:
  • Each individual tree can live for 40–150 years above ground, but the root system of the colony continues to live for a long time. In some cases, this is for thousands of years, sending up new trunks as the older trunks die off above ground.
  • The largest living Aspen colony is named Prado and is located in the Fishlake National Forest, near Fish Lake in south-central Utah. The name "Prando" was chose because it is Latin for "I spread." Currently, Prado covers 107 acres and has 47,000 stems. The average lifespan of the Prado trunk (or stem) is approximately 130 years.
  •  The root system of Pando is estimated to be among the oldest known living organisms in existence at 80,000 years of age.
  • Prado is also considered to be the world's heaviest known organism, weighing approximately 6,600 short tons.
  • The aspen tree is usually the first growth after a fire because the root system is protected, being so far under the ground.
  • The aspen is a hardy tree and is relatively easy to grow. It likes lots of sunshine and needs quite a bit of water to thrive. (Somehow, these aspen-like qualities I find within myself... a hardy soul who likes lots of sunshine and water!)
A single aspen grove can grow large enough to cover an entire mountainside while the trees within the grove are interconnected through their shared root system. Each tree stands as an individual and at the same time is connected to the whole. 

Yoga in the Park, Carbondale
hosted by True Nature Healing Arts
As I reflect on this unique characteristic, I am convinced that it is a lot like living here in the rightfully named Aspen Valley. Attending community events like Music in the Park or Mountain Fair, venturing out on the Rio-Grande Bike Trail, soaking in the pools at the Hot Springs, enjoying Yoga in the Park, having fun at First Friday or even just going to the grocery store, you are sure to see a handful of people you know. There is no Six Degrees of Separation in this Valley, it is more like Two Degrees of Separation. 

There is a deep connectedness between people here that goes beyond just "knowing" someone. Life in the Valley is a little slower paced, where appreciation for people and taking time to chat takes precedence. Where lending a hand and sharing a needed item are commonplace. Where smiles come easily and hugs are welcome.

There is just something about living in the shadow of Mt. Sopris, with the tinkling of the Aspen leaves floating on the air, that brings one to the awareness that you are part of something much bigger than yourself. Aaah! The beauty of that moment! With this fresh Rocky Mountain high enlightenment, one is then able to look around and see how truly amazing each flower, tree, rock, cliff and river really are. How divinely stunning each person is, so unique and exquisite. One is able recognize the appreciation and love for the Valley in the eyes and smiles of the locals as they pass by... Because truly, all who live here are connected.

Mt. Sopris with the City of Carbondale nestled at its feet.
Click "here" to view a live webcam of Mt. Sopris.
The symbolism's of the Aspen tree include determination and overcoming fears and doubts. It seems appropriate that  these would be the traits of the oldest, largest and heaviest living organism in the world. And, not surprisingly, it is the trademark of most every person who lives in this Valley. 

Aspen Valley... It's just a good place to live, breath and be.
