Why "Magellan's Ship"?

Why “Magellan’s Ship”?

Magellan explored many islands without opposition. The theory is that the natives did not attack Magellan as one would have expected them to do upon the arrival of his big ships with a bunch of strange looking creatures on them.

Why? The natives did not know what they were looking at – they had absolutely no point of reference. In fact, they were so taken by what they saw, they laid down their spears and brought their canoes ashore. Watching the big ship with huge billowing sales was so far from any experience they had previously had, that they were in awe, welcoming Magellan and his crew, and treating them like Gods.

It is with this “awe” that I chose to view my future. Join me on my journey… It’s going to be amazing!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Drop It Like It's HOT!

It was one of those nights, hanging out with good friends, where the tequila was flowing and the conversation took a turn along the lines of “Anything You Can Do I Can Do Better”. And, as all strongly inebriated adults will tell you, they KNOW how to dance. (Yes, I used the word “adults” because it just seems that all “kids” already KNOW how to dance…)

And thus, it was decided that TONIGHT was going to be an evening of learning how to “Drop It Like It’s HOT!” But, having someone describe it to you just doesn't work for me. Being very visual, I wanted someone to demonstrate it. So, we found this video to watch and learn from:

(Here's the link if the video doesn't show: http://youtu.be/05SR91E0pC4)

Yes, we were rolling on the floor laughing! But then, we got some serious down and dirty action going on... practicing the attitude, moves and ultimately the “Stank Face”. I am sure there are pictures somewhere and a video that I hope never surfaces, so for now, the visual in your mind (thankfully!) is all that you are going to see. It was a comical event that will forever make me laugh and I am aware that that my sweet “Droppin’ It like it’s HOT” dance skills are not any better today than they were before I learned how to do the moves! (This girlfriend may have some sweet moves, but "Droppin' It" ain't one of them!)

Needless to say, I became curious about what it means to "Drop It Like It's Hot". Urban Dictionary defines it as:

“A word originated by Lil' Wayne from the Cash Money Millionaires. He said it first on the song "Back that ass up" with Juvenile. It has 2 meanings to it. The first meaning to it means to get down and dirty on the dance floor, referring to a girl. The other meaning is to rob someone of their belongings.”

"After you back it up don't stop, dr-dr-drop, drop it like its hot" -juvenile ft. Manny Fresh and Lil' Wayne "Back That Ass Up" 

"Nigga this a jackmove foo, drop it like it's hot, gimme all yo fucken money nigga"

The opportunity to make a complete fool of myself – which I enjoyed thoroughly – as I learned how to get "down and dirty on the dance floor" brought a sense of satisfaction. A strange and humorous connection with friends who enjoyed laughing AT me as well as WITH me.

Its always a good night when you can walk away having laughed AT yourself.

The other meaning, “to rob someone of their belongings” would, I guess, refer to the person being robbed “dropping” whatever is being taken as if the item was “hot” and going to “burn” or “hurt” them if they continued to hang onto it. What an interesting choice of words mixed together. I don’t believe these words just apply just to someone taking something physically, but also to someone trying to take something that affects someone mentally, emotionally or spiritually.

My life quote, by Barbara De Angelis, states: 

“Living with integrity means: Not settling for less than what you know you deserve in your relationships. Asking for what you want and need from others. Speaking your truth, even though it might create conflict or tension. Behaving in ways that are in harmony with your personal values. Making choices based on what you believe, and not what others believe.” 

Basically, to me, these words are a reminder and a guide for living a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healthy and balanced life.

When someone has taken something from me – let’s use “trust” for an example - and I have tried to hang onto that “ broken trust” or “distrust”, I continue to be hurt by the situation I am holding onto. However, learning to “Drop It Like It’s Hot” would be the act of letting go. By letting go of my grip on the situation, I separated myself from it, thus it does not have the power to “burn” me or “hurt” me any longer.

By making this choice, I regain balance and control over myself and the situation.
  • I am able to remind myself of what I know I deserve in relationships. (I deserve honest and truthful relationships.)
  • What I want and need from others. (I want you to say what you mean and mean what you say.)
  • And, speak my truth even if it creates conflict or tension. (I do not agree with the choices you have made and am separating myself from you and the situation.)
  • And thus, I am behaving in a way that is in harmony with my personal values. (I choose to live a life of  integrity, speaking truthfully and honestly, helping others and believe in the divine good within every person.)

For me, I would one day like to be the kind of person who lays things down before they would have the opportunity to become “hot” and “burn” my hand, head or heart. The art of laying a lei on the water and watching it float way… letting go. 

Aaaah! The peace that comes with letting go like this!

But the reality is, I’m still nursing some burns on my hands, in my head and across my heart. So until then, I know what the best healing salve is – using the Stank Face, a healthy shot of tequila now and again,  and a good laugh at myself!

Cheers to Droppin' It Like It's HOT!