Why "Magellan's Ship"?

Why “Magellan’s Ship”?

Magellan explored many islands without opposition. The theory is that the natives did not attack Magellan as one would have expected them to do upon the arrival of his big ships with a bunch of strange looking creatures on them.

Why? The natives did not know what they were looking at – they had absolutely no point of reference. In fact, they were so taken by what they saw, they laid down their spears and brought their canoes ashore. Watching the big ship with huge billowing sales was so far from any experience they had previously had, that they were in awe, welcoming Magellan and his crew, and treating them like Gods.

It is with this “awe” that I chose to view my future. Join me on my journey… It’s going to be amazing!

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Do You Believe

trust - noun 
1.  reliance on the integrity, strength, ability, surety, etc., of a person or thing; confidence.
2. confident expectation of something; hope.

 It is interesting how one Word spoken to you can change and alter the course of your life so drastically.  I suppose that is true, but only if you believe.  And this, then, is the walk of faith. 

A year ago The Whisper  impressed on me "One Year".  Now, I don't believe in coincidences and when a "word" comes to me from more than one avenue, then I know to listen and heed what the message is.  "One Year" was my message at that time.  And, just to make sure I heard it, it kept being repeated every several months or so... 

Pondering the deeper meaning of "One Year" I really took it to mean "no dating" or "big decisions" during this year of healing after my divorce was finalized.  I look back over my life, and it was always easy to cover the hurts with the distraction of something or someone "new" rather than look in the mirror and be accountable for the messes I would find myself in.  Ouch!  The past can be ugly, but taken in perspective can be quite enlightening... And from that vantage point, I found peace and freedom in my new life with no "new" somethings or someones distracting me from myself and the healing that needed to occur.

I trust The Promptings that I hear.  Not that I don't struggle at times ... and when the "red flags" begin popping up I am usually not too slow in recognizing the gentle nudging of "Hey, remember..."  However, I was pretty comfortable with the "One Year" and almost felt protected by it.  There were moments of frustration where the mandate felt more like a prison sentence than “green pasture days” and I would wonder if this is how the rest of my life would be. I wanted “different” and I wanted “more” … And then, I would reign my thoughts back to being thankful for where I am, my home and my family and friends. And I would smile because my life was wonderful.

Thankfulness is such a gift and seems to keep all things in perspective. Content with myself, I had not given much thought to the “One Year”, just embracing life as it was.  I was not aware of the winds of change that were on the horizon… And those winds were going to blow hard and challenge everything that I am and believe in.  It was now “One Year”.  Was I ready?

Before leaving to Colorado in early January, my dear friend who lives in Phoenix called and said, “I want to you apply for this job here...”  Pondering this option for a “life change” on the plane ride began to feel like this was a door I was to walk through. Then I realized that because now that I had a “boyfriend” he would actually have a right to speak into my life and this decision I was contemplating.  These thoughts swirled around my mind as I flew… And I began to get excited. 

There are always doors that our path of life will lead us to, but being brave enough to turn the handle and walk through it…  Isn’t that is the question? Would I? Could I? Should I?  And why Phoenix? And what about my daughter and the grandkids? What about Peter? And what about my friends and family...  The list of "why not" was endless.  

Upon returning back home I KNEW.  The Nudge stayed with me.  Somehow, I just felt “released” from everything.  It was time for a Grand Adventure and I was going to jump with both feet! 

And then the confirmations came:  My daughter landed a well paying job and moved her and the kids into an adorable duplex; I didn’t have to pay a huge amount in income taxes from my divorce settlement, so I have no debt and enough money to live on for 6 months; an offer from my Pat and Sandy to live with them until I get a job; a lot of great job opportunities in the Phoenix area when looking online; and, Peter supported my decision.  I didn't realize that "One Year" would offer so much opportunity... for love, relationships, change and growth.

So, I wrote my resignation letter and turned it in.  And, again, the confirmation of my decision came in the form of an eagle flying 25 feet above my head as I left work that day. I just smiled!  I had just quit my job and was moving to Phoenix in a little over two weeks.

As crazy as this may all seem – to leave so quickly – I totally trust The Whisper and have complete confidence that this is going to be the Most Amazing Adventure EVER! 


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